Keeping Positive in a Negative Environment

How have you been coping throughout the COVID-19 pandemic? Have you found your thoughts more positive? Negative? 

Sometimes we are faced with unexpected situations that can be really stressful, and it might be hard to develop coping skills to endure through these times. As a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), social distancing has meant creating new norms and that has not been without its stressors. However, I remain hopeful and trust in God knowing He will keep me in perfect peace. I am encouraged by the Bible verse, Philippians 4:8: “Begin to think on the Word or begin to sing a praise song to God. Make a conscious effort to fill your mind with good, pure, wholesome, and lovely thoughts.” 

In these times, consider individuals who feel like they are locked up physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. They may feel as if they do not have a way out. Some people might feel captive by their minds - they consistently experience negative overwhelming thoughts. Others may feel confined to; unhealthy toxic relationships, domestic abuse, grief, depressive episodes, panic attacks, loneliness and more. In addition, one can reflect on individuals who have special needs who are at home without the necessary resources because of COVID-19 precautionary measures. 

As COVID-19 cases increase so does mental health illness. Individuals affected might not be equipped with coping skills. Imagine being confined to the four walls of your home with no escape. In these times we must consider these individuals. You can change what might seem a negative situation to a more positive one by not only being concerned about yourself but others. Think about how you can use this COVID-19 situation to be of help to someone else, and do a self-reflection.

What have you imprisoned? Whatever it is, you can begin to break these chains by; being hopeful, trying to have a positive mindset, set healthy boundaries, and reach out for help if needed. Positivity is Contagious! How are you staying positive during this COVID-19 quarantine situation? Life must make us better with each other and not bitter. Be aware of your Wellbeing. We have to social distance ourselves but don’t isolate your mind. 

Whatever negative thoughts you are thinking right now, acknowledge them and reframe. 

Keep your mind and body active. 

Helpful Tips for Staying Positive:

10 Way to Build and Preserve Better Boundaries

Resources for Youth via Instagram/YouTube:



Art For Kids Hub (YouTube)

Samantha Campbell

I am a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapist of Ontario (CRPO). I have a passion to help people heal, and I want to help people discover a deeper meaning to their life situations. I specifically offer services to but not limited to ideal clients such as; Young Adults and Adults. I specialize in Mental Health counselling, specifically in Anxiety, Depression, Cognitive Processing Therapy (for PTSD).

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